Sunday, 18 December 2016

Travels back for Christmas

*Disclaimer- This post was written during the plane ride*

Part 1

Finally heading back to Vietnam for winter break…yay?

Left the Ksen’s accommodation like 3 hours before our flight.

You could say that we are quite organized in that sense....genetics we shall call it.
Took a bus all the way to the airport, the only problem being other passengers..cries.
Some lady with an unspecified number of kids decides to casually take out a bag and throw-up in it.
Mind you, not a long bus ride, just a town bus..... but proceeds to barfing...sad face.

The lady may or may not be in this picture
After all that struggle, we got to the airport about 2 hours before the flight.
Getting our boarding passes didn't take too long since we checked-in online. So that was nice-ish. 
Security checks are always such an obnoxious experience. Workers think they have power over people there and kinda treat them should i say this whilst staying PG.....feces.

Well got through that relatively easily, proceeded to the boarding gate. 

Oh the sad thing was because Ksen and I got our tickets separately, at least for the first flight, we couldn’t have seats next to each others...(sarcastic yay)

We asked the people next to each of us and well since I’m writing next to one of them……one was nice, and one was just a nasty human being. hahahah humanity, you can almost taste the love around

Let with an hour of delay
For now, just hoping we can make it to our connecting flight...

Part 2

So the good news is that we made it to our next flight right when they were doing final calls. 
The longer version of this story is that we got off on terminal 3 in Dubai, we ran to gate zone C.

This makes it sound so simple, but we had go through security (with way too many people), then go up an elevator, go down an elevator, take a train that leads to an area called "baggage claim", have faith in the fact that we read that this is zone C, get off on the "baggage claim" station, go up an elevator, run to the end of these gates and board the plane. 
It was quite nerve wrecking to say the least.....

The flight itself isn't too bad. A significant down grade from the A380 we were on from Manchester to Dubai, but we have seats next to each other so that was nice. Food was better than the first flight so let us economy peasants rejoice at that. 

*Disclaimer- Written after arrival*
After all that we arrived at Ho Chi Minh City, went through health check-points for MERS (we technically was in the Middle yeah..). Saw our parents and parted. Ksen says she'll write the arrival so yeah XD. Hi Vietnam...again.

- GK

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