Tuesday, 24 April 2018

St Petersburg, Day 6

A bit late but here is what we did on day 6:

For breakfast we went to a specialised pie bakery, to try some Russian pie - and it was amazing. Geo had a salmon filling while I went for the more traditional cabbage filling. They were really nice and Geo asked me to try bake them some day *gulp* really not a good baker, but I'll give it a go some day.

Next was, the less exciting and more unfortunate, visit to the doctors, as I had gotten an infection...sigh.
In Russian hospitals you have to wear these on your feet to keep the floors clean (ironically we also had to wear them at the Catherine Palace to preserve the wooden floors
Thankfully it didn't take up too much of our day and accompanied by extraordinary weather of sunshine and 19 degrees we headed into city centre for a walk. Our plan was to walk around town and then head into the Hermitage, as we had explored some of city centre already and the museum had to be seen. What I had totally forgotten that Monday was a museum maintenance day, meaning that it was closed... Well then, at least it was nice weather so we went for a stroll along Nevskiy Prospect (High Street).

Venturing to the old and very elite looking Elisey shop in which one of my relatives worked many generations ago, we were in awe by the extravagance and prices of this place.

While walking back towards the other sights we had stumbled upon a caricature artist, and remembering our fun experience in Seoul, Korea, we decided to get one here as well. After some very awkward 10 minutes of standing and smiling here is the result:
Lastly, we went to the Island on Neva river to look at the columns and walk along the promenade. We also considered going into the Kunstcamera - an ethnographic museum famous for its room of unusual animals - however it was closed for Monday maintenance, too.

Once again, greatly underestimating the distances on the tourist map we ventured to the next metro station that felt a life time away, but oh well walking is healthy right?

When coming back to the place we were staying we thought that our walk was not enough and wanting to help my relatives to retrieve some things from their other flat, climbed the stairs to the 23rd floor. Unfortunately for me, on the way down Geo realised that I had forgotten one of my bags upstairs (thankfully he didn't realise it on the ground floor, but it was already floor 8) so I had to walk 15 floors back up.. my legs were not amused.

We were thanked with an amazing home cooked meal and appreciation from the cat for bringing it, its claw stretcher. This was the end of a long day of walking and adventure.


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